Khaste Lake is a beautiful freshwater lake tucked away in Ward No. 26 of Pokhara Metropolitan City. It’s a hidden gem, located about 2.5 km east of the popular Gunde Lake, and sits at an elevation of 746 meters above sea level.
The lake and its surrounding catchment area cover a total of 2.7 square kilometers, with the water body itself spanning 0.09 square kilometers.
Features of Khaste Lake
One of the lake’s unique features is its water source. The primary inflow comes from the nearby Neurani Lake, as well as several seasonal streams that trickle down from the surrounding hills during the wetter months.
The lake’s outlet, known as Taal Khola, is a small river that flows out of Lake, carrying its waters downstream. Khaste Lake is a treasured natural resource for the local community. It is managed by a cooperative under the Pokhara Metropolitan City, ensuring its conservation and sustainable use.
Khaste Lake Geography
Khaste Lake is a sprawling water body that adds a touch of natural beauty to the Pokhara Metropolitan City. When it comes to its size, the lake boasts an impressive expanse, covering a substantial area of nearly 25 hectares or 61.290 acres.
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The actual water surface, which glistens in the sunlight and reflects the surrounding hills, covers a remarkable 13.7370 hectares or 33.945 acres.
The remaining area surrounding the lake is a green tapestry of lush vegetation, wetlands, and trails, providing a natural sanctuary for both residents and visitors alike. This harmonious blend of water and land creates a unique ecosystem that supports a diverse array of flora and fauna, making Khaste Lake a true gem in the heart of Pokhara.

Whether you’re a nature lover, a bird watcher, or simply someone seeking a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of city life, Khaste Lake’s impressive size and captivating beauty offer a truly unforgettable experience, one that will leave you in awe of nature’s magnificent creations.
Fauna found in Khaste Lake
Khaste Lake is known as the “Bird Wetland.” This area is a true haven for bird watchers and visitors will able to witness the diversity of natural surroundings.
As the seasons change, the Bird Wetland plays host to a remarkable array of migratory birds, hailing from far-flung corners of the world. From the icy place to the sunny beach landscapes from different places, these winged travelers find refuge in this comfortable and good environment, escaping the harsh winters of their native lands.

For bird watchers, the Bird Wetland is a true paradise. Armed with binoculars and a keen eye, they can marvel at the vibrant feathers, complicated behaviors, and peaceful chirping of the different birds. Whether it’s the graceful glide of a majestic crane or the dazzling colors of a tiny songbird, every moment spent in this natural sanctuary is a treasure trove of unforgettable experiences.
So, if you find yourself in the area of Khaste Lake, be sure to visit the Bird Wetland and immerse yourself in the captivating world of our feathered friends, who have chosen this wonderful haven as their temporary home.
How to get there
To get to khaste lake from Pokhara city center. You can take a taxi, rickshaw or bus.
By tax: you can hire a taxi from anywhere in Pokhara city center. The taxi ride takes about 20 minutes to reach the lake.
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By rickshaw: the rickshaw ride takes about 25 minutes to reach the lakes. You can take a rickshaw from anywhere in Pokhara.
By bus: you can take the bus from the Pokhara bus park which goes to khaste lake. The ride takes about 30 minutes.
Entry and documentation
There is no entry fee to enter khaste lake. But there you need to pay the fees for parking the vehicles near the lake.
Visitors don’t need any documentation to visit Khaste Lake. But it is good to carry a valid form of identification, such as a passport or driver’s license, in case you are asked for it by the local authorities.
The best time to visit Khaste Lake
The best time to visit Khaste Lake in Pokhara is during the spring and autumn months (April to October).
During this time, the weather conditions are favorable and the scenery remains stunning.
The winter season can also be a nice time to visit as the cold weather provides an enchanting experience.
The period between February and March is also considered to be a good time for visiting, as these months are generally less crowded.