Manaslu Trek in December - Asian Heritage

Manaslu Trek in December

Manaslu Trek in December- Nestled in the mesmerizing landscapes of Nepal, the Manaslu Trek offers a truly unforgettable experience for adventure enthusiasts and nature lovers. With its awe-inspiring mountain vistas, serene surroundings, and unique cultural encounter. These make the Manaslu region stand as a hidden gem waiting to be explored.

Manaslu Circuit trek in July
Pic: Amazing Sight of the Himalayas from the Hiking Path as the Hiker Admires the View from the Opposite Side

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the highlights, weather conditions, flora and fauna, surroundings, necessary gear, crowd levels, festivals, transportation options from Manaslu to Kathmandu, side treks, and the difficulty of embarking on this remarkable journey in December.

Highlights of Manaslu Trek in December

Majestic Mountain Views

Manaslu, the eighth-highest mountain in the world, dominates the skyline and offers breathtaking views throughout the trek. The snow-capped peaks, including Himalchuli and Ganesh Himal, create a stunning backdrop.

Pic: Manaslu Circuit Trek Route View

Cultural Immersion

The Manaslu region is home to several ethnic communities, primarily the Gurungs and Tamangs, who warmly welcome trekkers. Embrace their rich traditions, visit ancient monasteries, and witness their unique way of life.

Local People Nepal
Pic: Kids carrying Bamboo Bucket used to carry Loads in Village

Untouched Wilderness

Unlike some of the more popular trekking routes in Nepal, Manaslu provides a pristine natural environment. You’ll encounter lush forests, cascading waterfalls, glacial rivers, and remote villages, making it a true off-the-beaten-path adventure.

Remote and Off-the-Beaten-Path

One of the biggest highlights of the Manaslu trek is its remote and off-the-beaten-path nature. Unlike the popular Annapurna Circuit or Everest Base Camp treks, Manaslu offers a sense of solitude and tranquility. You’ll find yourself surrounded by pristine nature, untouched landscapes, and fewer trekkers on the trail. This allows for a more authentic and immersive experience, where you can truly connect with the serenity of the Himalayas.

Pic: Manaslu Circuit Trek Route

Crossing the Larkya La Pass

The Larkya La Pass, standing at an altitude of 5,160 meters (16,930 feet), is a challenging yet exhilarating highlight of the Manaslu trek. Crossing this mountain pass rewards you with breathtaking panoramic views of snow-capped peaks, including the majestic Manaslu itself. The sense of accomplishment as you reach the pass and take in the awe-inspiring vistas is truly unforgettable.

Larke La Pass
Pic: Larke Pass Summit point

Cultural Encounters

The Manaslu region is home to several ethnic communities. Trekking through their villages provides a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in their rich cultural traditions. Interact with the warm and welcoming locals, and learn about their way of life. And gain insights into their age-old traditions and customs. You may have the chance to visit ancient monasteries, witness prayer ceremonies, and participate in local festivals. This will allow you to get a deeper understanding of the local culture.

Varied Landscapes

The Manaslu trek takes you through a diverse range of landscapes, each with its own distinct beauty. From lush green forests of rhododendrons and bamboo to barren high-altitude terrains, the ever-changing scenery keeps you engaged and fascinated throughout the journey. The sight of cascading waterfalls, glacial rivers, and towering cliffs adds to the enchantment of the trek.

Bamboo Tree Nepal
Pic: Himalayan Bamboo

Photographic Opportunities

For photography enthusiasts, the Manaslu trek offers an abundance of captivating subjects. Capture the dramatic mountain vistas, capture the vibrant prayer flags fluttering against the clear blue sky, and document the authentic moments of local life. The unique blend of nature and culture in this region provides endless opportunities to capture breathtaking images.


Manaslu Trek in December- December marks the winter season in the Manaslu region. While the days are typically sunny and clear, the temperatures can drop significantly, especially at higher altitudes. In the lower regions, daytime temperatures can range from 5°C to 10°C (41°F to 50°F), while at higher elevations and during the nights, temperatures can plummet to -10°C to -15°C (14°F to 5°F). Be prepared for cold and potentially snowy conditions, especially as you ascend.


In December, temperatures in the Manaslu region can vary significantly depending on the altitude. In the lower regions, such as Arughat and Soti Khola, daytime temperatures can range from 5°C to 10°C (41°F to 50°F).

Mount Manaslu trek by Asian heritage
Pic: Monastary in Manaslu with beautiful Himalayan View

However, as you ascend higher, especially during the nights and at the Larkya La Pass, temperatures can drop to -10°C to -15°C (14°F to 5°F) or even lower. It’s essential to pack the appropriate cold-weather gear to stay warm and comfortable.


December is a relatively dry month in the Manaslu region. While there may be occasional snowfall, especially at higher elevations, it’s not as frequent or heavy as in the peak winter months. However, it’s still important to be prepared for precipitation and bring waterproof gear to stay dry in case of snow or rain.

Sunny Days

Despite the cold temperatures, December often brings clear and sunny days in the Manaslu region. This provides excellent visibility and stunning views of the surrounding mountains. The clear weather also allows for better photography opportunities and enhances the overall trekking experience.

Winter Landscape

Manaslu Trek in December- The Manaslu region takes on a beautiful winter landscape in December. The mountains, valleys, and forests are often dusted with snow, creating a picturesque scenery. The snow-capped peaks, frozen waterfalls, and glistening landscapes add a touch of magic to the trek. However, it’s important to exercise caution and trek carefully, especially on icy or slippery sections of the trail.

Altitude Considerations

As you ascend higher during the trek, the altitude becomes a significant factor. Acclimatization is crucial to avoid altitude sickness. Take your time to acclimatize properly, follow a gradual ascent, and listen to your body. Stay hydrated, eat well, and be aware of any symptoms of altitude sickness. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on a high-altitude trek.

Also Read: Manaslu Trek in May

Overall, the weather during the Manaslu trek in December can be cold and challenging, but it also offers unique and rewarding experiences. Prepare for cold temperatures, be equipped with appropriate gear, and stay mindful of altitude considerations to make the most of your winter adventure in the stunning Manaslu region.

Flora and Fauna

The diverse ecosystems of the Manaslu region are teeming with a variety of flora and fauna. As you trek through different vegetation zones, you’ll encounter rhododendron forests, bamboo groves, and alpine meadows. Keep an eye out for wildlife such as the elusive snow leopard, Himalayan tahr, musk deer, and a myriad of bird species, including the colorful Danphe (Lophophorus Impejanus), Nepal’s national bird.


The vegetation in the Manaslu region changes as you ascend through different altitudes and climatic zones. In the lower regions, you’ll trek through lush forests dominated by rhododendron, oak, and pine trees. The rhododendron forests, in particular, are a visual treat, with vibrant blooms of red, pink, and white during the spring season.

Rhododendron Flower
Pic: Bunch of Red rhododendron ( Laliguras)

As you go higher into the alpine zone, the vegetation becomes sparse, and you’ll come across juniper bushes, dwarf bamboo, and scattered alpine flowers. The landscape takes on a more rugged and rocky appearance, with mosses and lichens adorning the rocks and cliffs.


The Manaslu region is home to a wide range of wildlife, including several rare and endangered species. While spotting wildlife can be challenging, here are some notable fauna you may encounter:

Snow Leopard

The Manaslu Conservation Area is known to be a habitat for elusive snow leopards. These majestic creatures are highly adapted to the harsh mountain environment and are a symbol of conservation efforts in the region.

Snow Leopard in Manaslu
Pic: Snow Leopard found in Manaslu region

Himalayan Tahr

Himalayan Tahr, a species of wild goat, is commonly found in the higher regions of the Manaslu trek. They have a shaggy coat and curved horns, perfectly adapted to their mountainous habitat.

Himalaya Tahr
Pic: A big furry mountain goat sitting on a mountain, like in the photo

Musk Deer

These shy and solitary animals are known for their musk glands, which are highly valued in traditional medicine. Keep a keen eye out for these elusive creatures as you trek through the forests.

Musk Deer in Manaslu
Pic: Musk Deer with its distinctive long canine teeth and scent glands

Red Panda

While rare to spot, the Manaslu region is home to the elusive and adorable red panda. Known for their vibrant red fur and bushy tails, these arboreal creatures are mainly found in the dense forests of the region.

Nepal Red Panda
Pic: Nepali red Panda found in Manaslu region

Bird Species

The Manaslu region boasts a rich variety of birdlife. You may encounter species such as the colorful Danphe (Lophophorus Impejanus), Nepal’s national bird, as well as eagles, vultures, pheasants, and various other mountain birds.

Himalayan Monal
Pic: Beautiful Picture of Himalayan Monal

It’s important to maintain a respectful distance from wildlife and avoid disturbing their natural habitats. Remember to bring binoculars and stay alert to increase your chances of spotting these remarkable creatures.

Exploring the flora and fauna of the Manaslu region adds an extra dimension to your trekking experience, providing opportunities for wildlife sightings and a deeper appreciation of the natural wonders of the Himalayas.


The Manaslu region offers a serene and tranquil setting, providing trekkers with a sense of solitude and natural beauty. As you navigate the trail, you’ll traverse deep valleys, cross suspension bridges over roaring rivers, and pass through traditional villages where time seems to have stood still. The stunning landscapes, dotted with prayer flags and Buddhist monasteries, create a spiritually inspiring atmosphere.


Given the winter conditions, it’s essential to pack appropriate gear. Here are some items to consider: a sturdy down jacket, thermal layers, waterproof trekking boots, gaiters, gloves, a warm hat, a good sleeping bag suitable for sub-zero temperatures, sunglasses, and a headlamp. Don’t forget essentials like sunscreen, a water purifier, trekking poles, and a reliable backpack.

Crowd Levels

Compared to the peak trekking seasons of spring and autumn, December offers a more tranquil and secluded experience on the Manaslu trek. You can expect fewer crowds on the trails and a chance to immerse yourself in the serenity of nature without the hustle and bustle of peak tourist seasons.


December is a festive month in Nepal, and if you’re lucky, you may encounter celebrations during your trek. The Tamang festival of Tamu Losar (Sonam Lhosar) is a vibrant event celebrated by the local Tamang community.

Sonam Loshar
Pic: Couple Dancing in Traditional dress with Traditional Musical Instrument in Hand

This festival involves traditional dances, music, and the exchange of greetings, providing a wonderful opportunity to witness and partake in their cultural festivities. Embrace the warm hospitality of the locals and join in the celebrations to make your Manaslu trek even more memorable.

Transportation from Manaslu to Kathmandu

To return to Kathmandu from the Manaslu region, you have a couple of options. The most common and convenient method is to retrace your steps back to the trailhead at Soti Khola and then arrange transportation to Kathmandu by jeep or bus. It’s advisable to make transportation arrangements in advance to ensure a smooth journey back to the capital city.

Side Treks

For those seeking additional adventure, there are several side trek options available in the Manaslu region. One popular side trek is the Tsum Valley, known for its ancient Buddhist monasteries, cultural heritage, and stunning landscapes. This extended trek takes you through picturesque villages and offers a deeper immersion into the local way of life.

Pic: Landscape seen through Tsum Valley during the Manaslu Trek

Another side trek worth considering is the Manaslu Base Camp trek. This challenging but rewarding route takes you closer to the majestic Manaslu Peak, offering panoramic views of the surrounding Himalayan ranges.


The Manaslu trek is considered moderately challenging, and the difficulty level can increase during the winter season. The trail involves both steep ascents and descents, along with some narrow and exposed sections.

The high altitude and potential for snowy and icy conditions make proper acclimatization and trekking experience essential. It’s recommended that trekkers have prior experience in high-altitude trekking and are in good physical condition.


Embarking on the Manaslu trek in December offers a unique and remarkable adventure through breathtaking landscapes, cultural encounters, and serene surroundings. While the winter weather brings cold temperatures, proper preparation, and suitable gear can make this journey enjoyable and rewarding. Experience the awe-inspiring beauty of the Manaslu region, immerse yourself in the rich local culture, and create unforgettable memories as you explore this hidden gem of Nepal’s trekking destinations.

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